Snowy Denver Days via iPhone 6+


It’s great when you see an interesting photo op, but choose to pass it by, and a week later the opportunity returns. I saw this bike last week on my regular Starbucks run before work. I kind of regretted not taking the shot, but it was a busy week and I was being lazy.

Lo and behold! It returned this week, so I set my quad-shot Americano down and took the shot. It’s not quite the angle that I wanted to shoot it at, but I was in a rush to get back to work. “C’est la vie, non?”



The second set of shots is of the courtyard of the building I work at, which I shot from the atrium. Though difficult to see, it went from clear to dumping buckets to clear again. It was like this all day.


The last shot in this set was shot using the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone and edited in-phone for more contrast. This is the view from my office window. The beauty of working in this building is days like this. Snowy days in the courtyard often makes me feel like I’m working in a snow globe.

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